Default apps 2024

Inspired by this post by Dan Hannigan, who was inspired by a bunch of other folks.

📨 Mail Client: Mail (on both iOS and macOS)

📮 Mail Server: iCloud / Gmail

📝 Notes: Apple Notes / Bear

✅ To-Do: Bullet journal / Apple Reminders

📷 Photo Shooting: iPhone 13 Pro

🎨 Photo Editing: iOS Photos app

📆 Calendar: Apple Calendar

📁 Cloud File Storage: iCloud Drive

📖 RSS: Reeder

🙍🏻‍♂️ Contacts: macOS Contacts

🌐 Browser: Arc (macOS), Arc Search (iOS)

💬 Chat: Messages, WhatsApp, Messenger, Slack

🔖 Bookmarks: Apple Notes

📑 Read It Later: Reeder

📜 Word Processing: Bear

📈 Spreadsheets: Numbers

📊 Presentations: 🤷🏻

🛒 Shopping Lists: Reminders

🍴 Meal Planning: Crouton

💰 Budgeting and Personal Finance: YNAB (You Need a Budget)

📰 News: News websites

🎵 Music: Apple Music

🎤 Podcasts: Apple Podcasts

🔐 Password Management: 1Password

🧑‍💻 Code Editor: VS Code

✈️ VPN: None